If you don't have an emergency evacuation plan for your household, it's not too late to create one. Emergency evacuation plans can make an enormous difference in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency that necessitates you evacuating your home. The more prepared you are, the more peace of mind you'll have.
Here are some basic tips for emergency planning:
The necessity of evacuating depends on many factors. They include the kind of emergency as well as the characteristics of the building you're in, such as the length of the building. Your evacuation plan needs to describe exact conditions requiring evacuation of people, pets and essential supplies.
What are essential survival items? Here are some of the things to include in your go bag:
In addition to your emergency supply kit and diagrams, include a list of general guidelines and local evacuation instructions. These guidelines should have info on alternate routes and how to contact emergency services.
The simplest way to make an evacuation plan diagram is to start with a basic blueprint or floor plan of your home. Clearly label items like stairwells, elevators, sprinklers, roof access and fire alarms for easy reference. You'll also want to draw arrows to guide people out of the building as quickly and safely as possible.
If you have pets, include them in your evacuation plans by creating a separate emergency kit, including bowls and a designated carrier or leash. Keep your car up to date on regular maintenance like oil changes, so it's in top condition in case an emergency occurs.
It's also a good idea to keep an extra few gallons of gasoline and an additional spare tire to handle any issues.
Keeping a detailed emergency plan for your home will help you expect the unexpected. The more prepared you are, the better you'll be able to respond in stressful situations.
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